What to do
Show the actions
Here are the mindsets, behaviours and actions the public need to take in order to make a more sustainable future possible.
These are based on the Good Life Goals, everyday actions that anyone around the world can take to make the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals happen. The actions here have been tailored for a UK-specific audience.
Eat well
Changing what and how we eat is one of the biggest ways to lower greenhouse gas emissions globally. Normalise these conscious eating habits through your content and you’ll have audiences changing the world, starting at breakfast.
Understand the impact of food choices on the planet.
Changing what and how we eat is one of the biggest ways to lower greenhouse gas emissions globally.
Eat more plants and cut down on meat.
Farming animals generates a massive amount of greenhouse gas emissions. So eating minimal meat is not only better for your body, it’s better for the planet.
Choose sustainable seafood.
Sustainably sourced seafood protects fish stocks for the future.
Buy local and seasonal food.
Buying local can drastically decrease the carbon footprint of our food by reducing the distance it has to travel.
Waste less food and use leftovers.
Food waste creates a lot of our human-caused greenhouse gas emissions as the food that goes to landfill releases methane – a gas even more potent than carbon dioxide.
Travel better
There’s no denying the impact of travel on climate change. In fact, tourism contributes to 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions around the world. Show your audience how to combat this by embedding some of these positive travel options in your content.
Understand the environmental impact of transportation.
Transport burns most of the world’s petroleum which, in turn, creates toxic air pollution.
Walk, cycle or use public transport instead of driving.
Cycling or walking improves our health and the health of our planet.
If driving, car share or opt for electric or hybrid cars.
Fewer petrol or diesel cars on the roads means less pollution in our atmosphere.
For long distance travel, where possible take the train over a plane. If you have to fly, buy carbon offsets.
Using trains over planes consumes less natural resources, reduces air pollution and harmful ozone levels.
Buy better
The stuff we buy – from food to clothes – is responsible for most of the world’s land, material and water usage. The best way to deal with this is to buy less and buy better. Show these conscious buying habits in your content and introduce your audience to a better way of shopping.
Collect friends and experiences, not just things.
Reducing consumption reduces the stress on the world’s natural resources.
Share, reuse, repair and recycle.
These actions save natural resources such as timber, water and minerals used to make products while reducing the amount of waste going to landfill.
Ask who made the products you buy, what are they made of, and how were they made.
The more people who ask where their products come from, the more brands will be held accountable and improve their practices.
Save, borrow and invest responsibly.
Money talks. People can put their money into banks that support greener initiatives.
Be resourceful
Save energy, save money, save the planet. The less power we consume, the less fumes are emitted into the air by power plants. Show your audiences the actions they can take to make this happen.
Report and fix leaks – big or small.
As well as wasting a source of energy, gas leaks – mostly methane – contribute to the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Save water when washing, cleaning, and brushing your teeth.
Using water-saving techniques not only saves money, it saves energy and also conserves water in our rivers and bays.
Save energy wherever you can - turn off lights, unplug appliances.
The less power we consume, the less fumes are emitted into the air by power plants.
Wash your clothes less, on shorter cycles and at lower temperature.
This helps save water and energy.
Switch to renewable energy for heat, electricity, and gas.
Renewable energy produces less pollution which keeps air and water clean.
Waste less
A great way to drastically reduce carbon emissions is by doing the same with our waste. When we waste a product, we also waste all the energy that goes into producing it. Normalise these actions in your content to show your audience a better way of living.
Reduce, reuse and recycle to limit the amount of waste to landfill (and oceans).
Overcrowded landfills release toxic greenhouse gases such as methane into the atmosphere.
Don’t litter – cigarette butts and chewing gum included.
Rubbish disposed incorrectly can end up in the waterways which poses a threat to marine life.
Say no to unnecessary plastic and use reusables over single-use whenever possible.
8 million metric tonnes of plastic waste enters our oceans annually.
Don’t flush any rubbish or toxic chemicals down the drain or toilet.
These chemicals can be harmful to wildlife and marine life.
Love nature
When it comes to combatting climate change, nature is our best ally. Trees and plants keep oxygen in the air and carbon out. Show your audience what they can do to protect these gifts.
Discover the wonders of the natural world all around.
Experiencing the wonders of the natural world forges a stronger relationship between nature and people.
Protect trees, wildlife and natural spaces.
Letting Mother Nature do her job is one of the best solutions we have for climate change.
Defend natural resources – air, water and land – and everyone’s right to benefit from them equally.
The most severe impacts of global warming will be felt by the poor.