Posted on 5th August 2024

Studio Sustainability Standard

The studio sustainability standard is the world's first sustainability assessment designed specifically for studio spaces.

Studio Sustainability Standard

The studio sustainability standard is the world’s first sustainability assessment designed specifically for studio spaces.

By taking part, studios are able to focus and pinpoint key areas within their facility, where they can make improvements to reduce their environmental impact over 6 key areas: Climate, Circularity, Nature, People, Management and Data.

Participating studios receive a bespoke performance report as well as a grade which allows them to benchmark their own progress as well as compare themselves to other studio facilities across the globe. 


Want to join the Studio Standard for this round? Register your interest and read the brochure for more information

Want to know more about the Studio Standard and how it works? Watch our webinar!

Why join?

There are plenty of benefits to signing up to the Studio Sustainability Standard

Provides guidance for sustainability improvement

Measures and reports on emissions related to Scopes 1 & 2

Is flexible, and enables different performance entry levels

Takes into account different studio types and geographic locations

Encourages an holistic approach to environmental and social issues

Helps studios to focus on largest impacts and greatest opportunity to control / influence

Provides external recognition via industry recognised logo

Overcomes challenges in benchmarking performance data

Rewards good performance

Provides clear pathway to align with Net Zero legislation and current reporting processes

See the Key Performance Indicators that comprise the Studio Sustainability Standard

2023/4 Insights Report

Data from the Studio Sustainability Standard 2023/24 cohort is out now.

Read the report to learn how 29 studios globally are committing to a more sustainable future.

Insights from this year’s report include:

– Using renewable energy sources doesn’t need to be hard – most participating studios are using 100% renewable energy sources which significantly reduces carbon impacts. Some studios have even been able to install solar panels on their sites to generate their own electricity.
– Studios are making sustainability easier for productions – either by helping them to donate left over set, props and costumes to local organisations or by helping them to upcycle surplus resources that otherwise would have gone to landfill.
– Participating in the Standard helps studios to navigate the path to being more sustainable. Of the 10 studios who participated in year one and two, 8 have improved their score year on year.

2023/4 Participating Studios

Thank you to all the studios who participated in the 2023/4 Studio Sustainability Standard, some of whom are pictured to the right.

Watch our webinar

Watch the webinar on YouTube

Studio Sustainability Standard

Terms of Reference

Want to find out more about how the standard is assessed and governed? Take a look at our Terms of Reference doc  which also includes details on the assessment components, and process for updates.

Scope of Standard

This document sets out the scope of the Studio Sustainability Standard, the material sustainability topics it addresses and the evidence base and process for its development and continual improvement.

The new Studio Sustainability Standard will enable us to work closely with studios across the world, forming a global network to share best practice as the industry works towards a more sustainable future. The initial research has already helped us shape how we build Sky Studios Elstree, our new state of the art film and TV studio opening later this year, all part of Sky’s overall ambition to become Net Zero Carbon by 2030

— Bee Devine, Director of Content Operations, Sky Studios

A Screen New Deal

In September 2020, albert – alongside BFI and Arup – released the Screen New Deal report. The report was a first of its kind, exploring and measuring the carbon impact of a tent pole film, understanding the challenges and practicalities of the day to day in a film studio and laying out a blueprint for how studios could make changes across the board to reach Net Zero.

Find out more

The average tentpole film generates 2,840t of CO2e, the equivalent of 11 trips to the Moon

— Screen New Deal Report, 2020

Putting the report into action

The Screen New Deal report concluded that profound changes are clearly needed at all stages of a film’s lifecycle if our industry is serious about transitioning to Net Zero.

Since its release, albert has worked on several initiatives to put the findings of the report into action, from department focussed events to the launch of the Screen New Deal: Transformation Plan.

The studio sustainability standard is the latest initiative which has been developed to help our industry focus, measure and report on their biggest environmental impacts.

Screen New Deal

Joining the Studio Sustainability Standard scheme is the latest step in our ambition to become a sustainable broadcaster. We continue to develop innovative ways of reducing our carbon footprint while enhancing creativity, such as our use of new cloud-based tools and de-centralised remote productions for hundreds of live productions around football, rugby, boxing and documentaries in 2022. Today’s newly-announced Studio Sustainability Standard scheme will enable us to go further, ensuring our studio-based output can meet some of the highest sustainability standards globally

— Jamie Hindhaugh, Chief Operating Officer BT Sport