Posted on 6th July 2023

Data from the first year of the Studio Sustainability Standard has been released

We've released our Studio Sustainability Standard Report, providing analysis on sustainability data from studios across the UK and USA.

We’re thrilled to announce that the data is in from the first year of the Studio Sustainability Standard! From data submitted from 12 participating studios across 2021/22, the Studio Sustainability Standard Report provides analysis of the current collective impact and efforts reduce them of the studios – as well as a roadmap towards a resilient and sustainable entertainment industry.

The Studio Sustainability Standard was created by and for the industry in partnership with  sustainable development specialists Arup. The 12 participating studios undertook the Studio Sustainability Standard in 2021/22, committed to measuring carbon emissions, reducing waste, and charting a course toward zero carbon, zero waste facilities.

Read the Studio Sustainability Standard Year One Report

In a world grappling with the urgency of climate change, 12 studios have stepped up to the plate, embracing their responsibility and driving a transformative shift towards sustainable practices in a commitment to align with net-zero pathways.

This report celebrates the studio trailblazers who are helping to redefine what it means to be an environmentally conscious industry. Each year, the Studio Sustainability Standard report will become a compass guiding us towards a future where creativity and sustainability coexist harmoniously.

The data-driven insights in this report shed light on the progress made by studios in reducing their carbon footprint. These numbers represent a collective effort to rewrite the narrative of an industry

— Steve Smith, Project Lead for the Studio Sustainability Standard

The standard enables physical studios to focus on six key areas — Climate, Circularity, Nature, People, Management, and Data — within their operations to help drive environmental improvements.​ The data-driven insights provided through the standard help studios to target meaningful decarbonisation in their spaces, as well as supporting the wellbeing of staff and local biodiversity.

If you’d like your studio to take part in Year Two of the Sustainability Standard, please fill out this form.