Today we publish our review of 2022, covering our initiatives to support and inspire the industry, data gathered from our certification process which assesses carbon emissions and waste, as well as the progress made under the Climate Content Pledge to increase and improve climate storytelling. The year saw the launch of a new sustainability standard for studios, a practical tool to help creatives make content featuring sustainable themes, 3,600 people trained and events held across the industry including the inaugural albert Summit for 250 people.
Nearly 2000 programmes were certified, more than 2020 and 2021 combined, giving the most comprehensive overview of the screen industries’ carbon footprint to date. Emissions stood at 12.8 tonnes per hour, up from 11.3 in 2021. This average comes after the introduction of new methodology to give a true picture of the overall footprint for the UK TV industry, and the rise is partly driven by the significant rise in the number of programmes covered as well as ongoing changes to improve the accuracy of albert’s calculator.